Ask Moka: How do you make an existing Azure Application multilingual?

Ask Moka: How do you make an existing Azure Application multilingual?

Creating a multilingual user interface for Azure Application offers (Managed Applications and Solution Template) is very challenging and can be super frustrating, requiring the maintenance of several versions of an offer -- one for each language. Even when it is done in a single offer, the updates can be very taxing and hard to maintain without inadvertently missing or breaking something in the UI. Maestro Studio Ensemble solves that problem with an easy, code-free/no-code, JSON-free feature called the Language Extension, a UI extension of the createUiDefinition low-code framework, that requires a few clicks and less than 3 minutes (as shown in the video in this article) to turn an offer's normal, static UI into a dynamic, multilingual UI. There is no limit on how many languages you can support....

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